A Social Media Primer


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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781456604721
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 59 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2011
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


The intent of this book is to avoid the hype and conflicting information surrounding the use of social media in organizations and to point you to resources that have been researched and provide the most reliable information. The content of this book avoids promoting or pushing any specific tool, as all social media technology tools are evolving and frequently updating with new features. What is right for one organization is not necessarily right for your organization.This book is a starting point for general management, human resources, and organizational development teams that have not yet embraced or fully incorporated social technology tools into the organization. What you will find in this book:-Back-to-basics discussions about what "social" means in the context of organizations and what you should consider before adopting social technology into an organization.-References to resources that provide charts, graphs, statistics, case studies, and information on how to use the tools, as well as the books that my research has shown provide practical and reliable information.What you won't find in this book:-Charts, graphs, and statistics. -Case studies.-Details on how to use social media tools.

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